Get Involved

Opportunities to help further the mission of WVHA


Donate to our Collection

The Windsor Vermont Historical Association actively seeks materials (e.g. Artifacts, Historical Documents and Photographs) about Windsor and welcomes donations of appropriate items pertaining to the history of Windsor. Though our storage space is limited, our Collections Committee would be happy to consider materials that you wish to donate, and for those that we are able to accept, we will ensure that they are protected and preserved in perpetuity.


WVHA strives to align volunteer opportunities with current Association needs and initiatives. We find this makes volunteering more purposeful and meaningful for all involved. We also find that many volunteers’ lead busy lives and that a rigid volunteer schedule is not always practical for the volunteer or even the WVHA board. Therefore, keep in mind that getting started with regular volunteer work at WVHA might take some time and some experimentation for all involved! In an email, specifically address your interests and also your skills and experience.  Depending on your role, we will have a simple form for you to fill out at WVHA once we meet.